We are desperately in need of donations for our activities in Aruba and Ecuador.

It costs us appr. $ 0.25 - 1.00 per day to feed and provide for a cat or dog, and with so many cats and dogs involved, we need all the help we can get!

Please give whatever you can, and rest asssured that your donation is being used to help the animals. 100% of your donation goes to the cats and dogs: our foundation consists solely of volunteers and no one receives a salary (while overhead costs are paid by the volunteers).

Donations can be made to:

Beneficiary: Stichting Cats & Dogs

Address beneficiary: Paradera 187, Aruba

Bank: Aruba Bank

Account number: 6016980190

Adress bank: Camacuri 12, Oranjestad, Aruba

Swiftcode: ARUBAWAX

Please indicate in the bank transfer reference whether the donation is intended for the activities in Aruba or Ecuador.