

Aruba now faces the greatest challenge in its history. The corona crisis has ensured that the tourism of Aruba has received the hardest possible blow, with far-reaching consequences. A substantial part of the Aruba workforce has become unemployed or is experiencing an enormous decline in income. It is not unlikely that these economic crises will last for a year or more. In addition, it is even questionable whether tourism will ever be as it was.

The economic crisis is affecting not only people, but also the pets of affected families and the stray cats and dogs cared for by many families. In view of the above, Stichting Cats & Dogs has decided to set up a food bank for those animals of low-income families. This food bank project was launched in July 2020 and is expected to last at least a year. By means of a number of photos at the bottom of the page you will get an impression of the project.

At the moment we are approaching the number of 200 families and almost 1000 cats and dogs that appeal to our food bank. In view of the new applications received every day, we will not be surprised if this number is doubled in the coming months. This implies a much larger number of animals than we had initially estimated, making us desperate for donations to continue this project.